Connecting with Participants and their Families.


Feeling connected to each other is a big part of our human right. We want to feel loved, respected, trusted and supported.

As with any positive relationship, it is a two way street. Your relationships should fill your cup, give you satisfaction, be non-judgemental and provide you with happiness. This is what we also believe in.

Since COVID-19 our anxiety, stress, and in some cases, trauma are prevalent as we try to fit back into normality. People were faced with food and housing insecurities, isolation caused by school and disability support services closing down, uncertainty due to family members losing their jobs, and the fear of catching the virus. Families were faced with their personal stresses, concerns about their loved ones and in addition to their disability, about how to best support them in COVID-19 restrictions.

As we make sense of the world we live in today, we continue to feel baggage from the last two years and we now need to deal with this excess toxicity and move forward into the world.

Reconnecting with each other.

It is super important that we come together again and reconnect with each other. At 2include, we feel blessed because the families and support network who have joined our services, are connecting with us. They show mutual respect and we work together to create positive outcomes for their loved one. We take pride in connecting with families and this is so important for us. If we feel connected, then our children and loved ones will slowly move towards having their future back to as normal as possible. Unfortunately, there will be some participants who have felt a tremendous impact from COVID-19, who have lost complete connection with the outside world and with each other. 2include want to build strong relationships with families as this can dramatically enhance the level of motivation and participation. Participants who have access to stronger relationships are more engaged, have strong social skills, and experience more positive behaviour.

Why are strong relationships important?

Strong relationships provide a foundation for participant engagement, belonging, and, ultimately, learning. The more high-quality relationships participants have with their NDIS provider, the better their engagement will be in their life.

How can 2include strengthen relationships among families and their loved one?

The most important thing providers can do to foster these relationships is to have explicit values when dealing with families. Adult nurturing relationships within families and with support providers, will model effective ways to interact repeatedly with individuals, especially those that seem less engaged.

What training do we need to build strong relationships?

2include will provide families with training on the elements of positive relationships, enhance family participation, and strategies to build positive behavioural outcomes. Families and their support network can also provide individual, non-judgemental feedback based on observations of participant interactions within their world. This training will ensure that relationships are stronger and more effective in accelerating positive behaviour and outcomes.

Do you feel connected yet?

If you or a loved one are still feeling disconnected, touch base with your service provider today. Nurture the relationship you have and offer support to each other. Remember - Your relationships should fill your cup, give you satisfaction, be non-judgemental and provide you with happiness. This is what we also believe in.


Neurodiversity Affirming Movement.


Registered vs Unregistered Service Providers.